Client: Goulburn-Murray Water
DG Consulting undertook this project for Goulburn-Murray Water. The project involved a review of the Waterbank entitlement purchase and lease back scheme and the Water Entitlements Sale scheme being operated by Murray Irrigation Limited, together with an analysis of the applicability of such scheme to G-0MW and its customers. The project required a review of literature in these schemes, telephone interviews with key MIL staff to confirm the details of the schemes, objectives and performance of these schemes in achieving the stated objectives. This information was then used for an analysis of the need for similar schemes in Victoria and the ability of a Victorian water authority to undertake such a scheme based on a comparative analysis of the different governance arrangements for MIL and G-MW. The final report provided G-MW with this information, together with recommendations on the suitability of these schemes for the G-MW context and identification of alternative actions that could also be considered.