Client: Murray-Darling Basin Authority
The Independent Audit Group (IAG) conducts annual audits and prepares independent reports on progress, performance or compliance by jurisdictions in the implementation of agreed policy and associated administrative and management arrangements. The IAG was initially established to provide independent audits and advice in relation to the establishment and compliance with long term caps on the diversion of water from streams within designated valleys of the basin. The IAG provides advice on Cap proposals prepared by the States and Territory prior to approval by the MDBA and then audits implementation. Cap implementation arrangements are generally dependent on analytical models which need to be accredited and are used to determine climate adjusted annual diversion targets under baseline conditions. These targets can in turn be adjusted for water trade and environmental water allocations, and compared to actual annual diversions. The intent is for cumulative actual diversions in each designated valley not to exceed the cumulative annual diversion targets.
The IAG was also required to audit jurisdictional performance against water recovery and financial investment targets agreed in The Living Murray Business Plan and to report annually on implementation progress. It also provided independent reviews of jurisdictional activity under the agreed Risks to Shared Water Resources program.
Denis Flett of DG Consulting was a Member of the IAG from mid 2005 to mid 2010 and was its Chair for three years. This involved interaction and negotiation with jurisdictions in relation to their submissions and presentations on progress in developing and implementing programs, helping to resolve implementation and compliance issues which arose, and taking responsibility for contributing to and signing off on independent audit reports.